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Human Resources

With the starting motto "People First", a workplace with a fair, safe and ethical approach to all of our employees

sep HR Policy
Ethical Principles and Bus. Ethics
Working With Us
Job Applications

Working With Us

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Projecting the importance accorded to people and health to our day-to-day work activities, our institution is one of the leading companies in the pharmaceutical sector, with its young and dynamic workforce, and its dedication to education and development.

Not only by investing in environment-friendly technologies, but we support young generations by also providing them with employment opportunities throughout their professional lives, from internships to permanent positions, commensurate with their skills and competences and in line with their performances.

Working with us will open new horizons for you, your competences will blossom benefiting from our know-how and experience.

Recruitment and Training
All applications to our company go through a detailed assessment and candidates are invited to interviews in line with our staff needs. After a successful interview the candidates arrive at our campus on a pre-determined date in order to receive their first day training about the workplace regulations and cGMP. After the successful outcome of the same-day exam they prepare the entry documents and start their employment.

In addition to special training programs, our institution establishes internal trainings related to professional and personal development. Furthermore promising employees with high development potential in their careers are sponsored for attending international seminars.

