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Human Resources

With the starting motto "People First", a workplace with a fair, safe and ethical approach to all of our employees

sep HR Policy
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HR Policy

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Based on various agreements of Human Rights Statement and global and local regulations about work life;
1. All compliance regulations regulating work life are interpretated and applied benefitting the employees,

2. Employment of children and young people are not allowed if adversely affecting their education and development,

3. Healthy, safe and uninhibited working conditions are provided for the employees by means of regular working hours,

4. Concerning selecting and hiring processes of the employees, the main principle is that without any discrimination all employees are given an equal opportunity for professional improvements who have the required skills and experiences to do the job,

5. In case of disciplinary actions, methods such as physical punishments, physical or psychological actions or discriminations are never applied,

6. For all employees, a compensation system regarding their education levels, jobs performed, their competencies and performance criteria and aiming this century’s life standards in the country is adopted.

In line with our main philosophy “People First”, we declare that we will provide a working environment
- that is safe, reputable and work ethics are treated with care,
- employees know clearly what the expectations are,
- assessment of their performances is done by mutual and transparent interviews,
- motivate for the participation in team works in order to make their comments and creative ideas.

Dr.Ünsal Hekiman
Chairman of the Board/General Manager

