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PharmaVision Visit to Düzce Çevrem Primary School

On 23.09.2021, our Industrial Relations and Legal Director Att. Fahrettin Kazak and our Industrial Relations and Legal Deputy Manager Att. Nüket Hekiman Çörekçioğlu visited Düzce Çevrem Primary School. Düzce Çevrem Primary School, established with the support of PharmaVision Employees, has been supported by PharmaVision at every stage since its establishment. On the occasion of the commencement of the new academic year, we discussed with the School Principal Mr. Bayram Baskın and the Deputy Principal Mr. Serdar Kaya the school's needs and improvement projects. After this meeting, which formed the basis for the projects to be realized together, the teachers and students of the school were met. We believe in the power of togetherness and education and wish them a productive academic year.
